Chapter 468: Successful "Golden Core Formation" _2

Meng Guan understood He Song's approach, and he admired He Song's decision to retreat into seclusive cultivation again.

Just like what He Song did, he also chose to enhance his personal strength first after he had successfully broke through to the Golden Core Realm.

Only after significantly increasing his strength, did he start to seek fortunes or do something else.

Furthermore, Meng Guan shared another piece of news with He Song.

This time, for safety reasons, Wei Fan had made his breakthrough into the Golden Core Realm inside Meng Guan's cave mansion, in the Sun Faction's mountain gate.

As such, the progress of Wei Fan's breakthrough attracted the attention of many cultivators in the Sun Faction.

Now that Wei Fan successfully broke through to the Golden Core Realm, many Sun Faction cultivators came to congratulate him.

However, since Wei Fan accomplished his breakthrough within the Sun Faction territory but was not a disciple of the Sun Faction,