Chapter 475: An Ning's Foundation Establishment_2

Although purchasing the Foundation Establishment Elixir from the Treasure Pavilion required quite a lot of spirit stones.

But the price of several hundred middle-grade spirit stones was still affordable for He Song.

He Song bought a total of two Foundation Establishment Elixirs.

It cost nearly a thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

These spirit stones didn't put any pressure on He Song.

Two Foundation Establishment Elixirs, given the age of An Ning, who is now fifty-seven, could sustain her two attempts at Foundation Establishment.

After the two attempts, if she still hasn't achieved Foundation Establishment, the probability of subsequent Foundation Establishments would significantly decrease.

At that time, it would probably require a multiplicity of Foundation Establishment Elixirs to push a cultivator who has reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining to the Foundation Establishment Realm.