Chapter 502: Master Duan Hun_2

However, Wind Snow Palace does not belong to the Border Sects; thus, it is not like the Thick Earth Sect, which is located at the border between the Sun Faction and the Purple Cloud Sect.

Instead, it is in the eastern part of Hu State, in an area close to the Purple Cloud Sect's hinterland.

In this area, there is only Wind Snow Palace, a Golden Core Sect.

An Ning's Jinsha Immortal Lane is not adjacent to other Golden Core Sects, but it is quite close to the hinterland of the Purple Cloud Sect.

After realizing this, a smile flashed across He Song's face.

It seems that.

In the future, the information he could get from An Ning would be much more than before.

For the past ten years, He Song has received almost the same messages from An Ning every month.

Basically, they were just trivial matters and An Ning's own experience in the Wind Snow Palace.

These things were not only useless to He Song but were almost entirely worthless.