Chapter 508: Ten Years Later_1


When his divine sense had swept through the entire cave mansion and found no abnormalities, He Song's originally cautious expression finally relaxed slightly.

He also checked the several Array Skills he had deployed, as well as the appearance of the Golden Spirit Fruit Tree inside the cave mansion.

After confirming that no one had entered the cave mansion during the twenty days of his absence, He Song felt somewhat at ease.

Even so,

He Song did not let down his guard completely; instead, he extended his divine sense, continuously scanning the hundred miles he could reach.

After ensuring there were no abnormalities in these places either,

He Song's heart finally settled completely.

Following this inspection by He Song, everything within a hundred miles of his cave mansion, as well as inside it, showed no signs of disturbance.

This meant that He Song's cave mansion had not attracted the attention of any cultivators in the past twenty days,