Chapter 511 Encirclement Kill Golden Elixir_2

Under these circumstances.

He Song was no longer clear on just how much his two good friends' power had inflated.

Let's not talk about Meng Guan.

He was already powerful, and Fighting Law was like a meal to him, with a never-ending array of killing moves.

His strength becoming even more formidable, to the point where he could encircle and kill an Early Jindan Stage cultivator just by coordinating with Wei Fan, didn't surprise He Song in the slightest.

The title of Master Duan Hun really wasn't built on hot air.

It was truly forged with the lives of cultivators.

However, Wei Fan's increase in power was somewhat beyond He Song's understanding.

It's true that Meng Guan was strong, previously capable of trading blows with two Early Jindan Stage cultivators on his own.

But even if his power had significantly increased, it would still likely be very difficult to take on three at once, right?