Chapter 512 Cultivator's Golden Core_2


To obtain a cultivator's golden core for an average cultivator is as difficult as ascending to the heavens.

It is precisely because of this difficulty that the high price of a cultivator's golden core is established, making it extremely costly in the world of cultivation.

So costly that even late-stage Golden Core cultivators would hesitate repeatedly before deciding to purchase one.

He Song had previously known that crafting talismanic treasures required one.

But previously, He Song had never considered using Master Yin Yue's golden core to craft talismanic treasures.

Therefore, when he first learned of the method to craft talismanic treasures, he hesitated over whether to craft them.

But now,

when he truly wanted to start crafting talismanic treasures,

thinking of the cost required to exchange with others for a cultivator's golden core, treasure tree heart, and demonic beast core,