Chapter 514 Golden Elixir Zhao Family_1

With such thoughts in mind, He Song felt no burden in concealing his true identity.

Especially when he sensed that the situation ahead might be fraught with peril.

He Song naturally chose to hide his identity to avoid any potential troubles that could tarnish his reputation.

The way the Zhao family members welcomed him so ceremoniously led He Song to believe there surely was more than meets the eye.

After all, they were all at the Golden Core stage.

Why would True Monarch Fei Hu and his Golden Core Family underlings treat him so?

Such an attitude towards an unfamiliar Golden Elixir Master was indeed unusual.

With these thoughts, He Song came to a decision after speaking.

If True Monarch Fei Hu indeed had intentions as He Song suspected, and wanted him to do something,

then He Song would surely need to weigh his options carefully.