Chapter 516: When the Map is Exhausted, the Dagger is Revealed_2


"I am overdue in expressing my gratitude for such a warm invitation and generous hospitality, let alone to speak of any blame," he said.

"I hope my friend will not take it upon himself to act this way," He Song replied.

He Song quickly brushed off what True Monarch Fei Hu still wanted to say, as if nothing had happened before.

Seeing He Song react this way, True Monarch Fei Hu's face lit up with joy.

This was the slander he had poured on the other Golden Elixir Masters in the Immortal State Mansion.

Although He Song might not necessarily hold any grudge against the other Golden Elixir Masters at this moment,

it was akin to planting a seed in his heart.

If something were to happen later on, that seed might very well take root and sprout rapidly.

By then...

if He Song were truly to agree to join him in capturing the Twin-winged White Tiger, the likelihood of He Song banding together with other Golden Elixir Masters would obviously be lower.