Chapter 519: Wrecking the House_2

As the sky gradually darkened, True Monarch Fei Hu and his Foundation Establishment Spiritual Tiger took their leave and departed.

So it went until several days later.

He Song finally obtained the items he sought from the Main Pavilion of Treasure Pavilion within Zichuan Prefecture Government.

After months of travel and turmoil, the materials needed to refine the precious amulet ink finally arrived at Treasure Pavilion.

The essence blood from the heart of demonic beasts, necessary for the precious amulet ink.

A large amount of precious spiritual herbs had been processed according to the law to become spirit liquid.

And the powder of several precious spirit mines.

All appeared before He Song now.

After securing everything he needed into his storage bag and paying a considerable amount of spirit stones, He Song's figure left the Treasure Pavilion, returning to his temporary residence within the Zichuan Prefecture Government.