I love you

He Song would be reasonably secure in that place from disaster.

In this way, He Song's departure from Golden Snake Sect to seek refuge in the Purple Cloud Sect didn't seem to put him in danger after all.

At worst, he could give An Ning's Jinsha Immortal Lane a glance and then promptly leave thereafter.

After all, He Song had also built two concealed mansions within the Purple Cloud Sect.

Merely squatting at one of these hidden locations would probably suffice for He Song to safely continue his cultivation within the Purple Cloud Sect.

As long as no major incidents like the recent ones in Purple River State occurred nearby, He Song naturally could continue his cultivation in peace.

With this in mind, He Song further increased the speed of the Lower Grade Spiritual Instrument Flying Boat he was controlling.

Purple River State was no longer a place to stay for long.

It was best to leave this place as soon as possible and make for the Purple Cloud Sect.