Chapter 522 Hidden Cave_2

"Sir, the mine is right below us."

"The buildings on the outskirts have been thoroughly looted by the cultivators who have come and gone countless times, so there surely can't be any treasures left."

"Only within the mine shaft might there still be some treasures not yet discovered by our predecessors."

"Unfortunately, I didn't explore much the last time I was here."

"Even divine sense couldn't probe the depths of the mine shaft, so I had to retreat quickly."

"Now that Sir is here, the two of us might be able to properly explore and scavenge all the remaining treasures in the mine shaft."

An Ning's fingers, green as young onions, pointed downward, and her voice followed into He Song's ears.

Listening to An Ning's words, He Song's expression remained unchanged.

But secretly, he had already extended his divine sense, sweeping through the buildings around the mine's perimeter.

Then, he manipulated his divine sense to start exploring towards the deeper parts of the mine shaft.