Chapter 526 Golden Elixir Cave Mansion_1

Yet, unexpectedly,

after sending An Ning away,

He Song himself came to investigate this underground current and suddenly discovered a Golden Core Cave Mansion right here.

A Golden Core Cave Mansion!

Having cultivated for so many years, He Song had hardly seen a few.

Such a precious thing now unexpectedly appeared before He Song without any prior anticipation.

How could such a scene not fill his heart with excitement and surprise?

His gaze swept over the bubble, taking in the tall tower, the palace, and the vast expanse of dry land within; He Song pondered briefly yet ultimately extended his divine sense without delay, beginning to investigate the situation within the bubble.

Although He Song didn't detect any array outside the bubble, by looking at the condition within, it seemed utterly impossible for there not to be one.

The place being a Golden Elixir Cave Mansion meant there would inevitably be an array present to protect the mansion from threats.
