Chapter 528 Huge Harvest_2

Perhaps, this was the reason why Wind Snow Palace could control this Secret Realm.

Of course.

Within the Vast Wave Secret Realm, there might also exist things unknown to He Song at present, which could bring greater benefits to Wind Snow Palace.

However, He Song had no clear idea of what that thing was.

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song appeared pensive.

At this moment, he even developed a trace of interest in the Golden Elixir Master with the dharma title Fallen Snow.

Even though this person had long passed away and had never met He Song even once,

the fact that he had left this letter in his own storage bag made He Song hold him in higher regard.

According to what Fallen Snow True Monarch had said,

he had died here attempting to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm and failed.

That is to say, when Fallen Snow True Monarch died, his cultivation must have been at the Golden Elixir Great Perfection Realm.