Chapter 533: Golden Elixir Bottleneck_2

Other cultivators generally need several years.

Now, when He Song encountered the bottleneck of the Golden Core Middle Stage, the time required was several years.

However, for other Gold Core Cultivators, upon reaching the bottleneck of the Golden Core Middle Stage, it would probably be at least a dozen years, and perhaps several decades.

Such a huge gap made He Song unable to stop pondering it.


after much thought, He Song still couldn't come up with a definitive answer.

He also did not know why the bottleneck he encountered was so fragile.

Nor did he know whether subsequent bottlenecks he would face would still be as fragile as the current one.

Or, whether this situation would only occur once or twice, and the bottlenecks he would face in the future would become as difficult to breach as those of other cultivators, requiring a long time to break through.