Chapter 535 Breakthrough in Cultivation_2


If struck by several, or even more than a dozen White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talismans, even a Golden Elixir Master would have a hard time getting away unscathed.

Moreover, once one begins crafting such Talismanic Treasures as the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman,

it would mean that He Song's cultivation level had undoubtedly reached the Golden Elixir Middle Stage.

With such expertise, the power of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman crafted would naturally be greater.

The increased power of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, the might of several or even more than a dozen talismans unleashing their power together, would naturally be immense.

Even a qualitative change caused by quantitative accumulation was not impossible.

When that time came,

He Song would truly possess a foundation to protect himself.