Chapter 544: The Cautious Meng Guan_1

His gaze swept over the vigorous characters on the thin paper before him, and a deep expression settled on He Song's face.

It wasn't in vain that he had waited here for a full two and a half months; Meng Guan and Wei Fan had finally arrived as promised, both making their way to Biyue Prefecture.

However... just upon entering Biyue Prefecture, Meng Guan detected something amiss.

Could it be that his knack for attracting trouble wherever he went had taken effect?

Flashes of Meng Guan's words from their time at the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion crossed He Song's mind.

A daring idea suddenly emerged in He Song's mind.

This time.

Could Meng Guan have encountered some serious trouble?

The name of the inn flashed through his mind.

Purple Light Pavilion.

Purple Light Pavilion...

He Song pondered carefully.

Finally, he confirmed something.

The name of this inn, He Song had never heard of elsewhere.

Nor had he ever heard of any power by the name of Purple Light Pavilion.