Chapter 548: Mad Pursuit_2

With half an hour's time, the Golden Elixir Masters within the Immortal State Mansion would have likely already ground the opposition to dust.

How could they possibly allow them to continue attacking the Mansion's Great Array?

The barrier produced by the activation of the state mansion's Great Array was rapidly enveloping the entire Mansion.

Seeing this development, whether it was the four Golden Elixir Masters who had gone to pursue their foe, He Song, or the other Golden Elixir Master who stayed in place,

a hint of a smile appeared on their faces at this moment.

They knew.

Once the state mansion's Great Array was fully activated and its barrier completely enveloped the Mansion,

it would be the end of that Golden Elixir Master from the God Locking Sect.

The barrier that arose when the state mansion's Great Array was initiated could be seen not just by He Song and the others.