Chapter 549: The Fall of the Golden Elixir_2

At this distance, it would have been quite easy for them to support He Song.

Under such circumstances, after realizing this point, He Song naturally had his answer as to whether the two could swiftly come to his aid in times of danger.

After becoming aware that his safety was more secure than previously anticipated,

a fleeting expression of satisfaction flashed across He Song's face.

However, even so, He Song still didn't let down his guard. He remained highly vigilant, constantly extending his divine sense to survey his surroundings to prevent any sneak attacks.

In the distance, the great battle raged on.

If the battleground were to shift here, He Song would undoubtedly need to leave this place at the first opportunity.

Naturally, He Song was also unrelenting in his vigilance toward the external environment.

In this manner,

as days passed by,

in the midst of the prolonged wait, He Song heard a scream.


there was an uproar.