Chapter 554: It's Not Suitable to Stay Here Long_1

Had it been someone else, the tactic of tempting them with benefits might well have been successful.

For an ordinary Golden Elixir Master,

the rewards from a Nascent Soul Upper Sect like Sun Faction would surely be substantial.

Therefore, even if they sensed something amiss, they might still hold on to a sliver of hope and choose to stay within the Biyue Prefecture.

Unfortunately for them, He Song had not the slightest interest in such temptations.

That sort of wishful thinking was something He Song never harbored, from beginning to end.

To continue remaining within the Biyue Prefecture would put He Song's life in grave danger.

Instead of taking a risk and staying put, waiting for a reward from the Sun Faction which hadn't even shown a shadow, it was better to leave early.

In doing so, he could also ensure his own safety.

Moreover, if He Song decided to leave, with his current Golden Core Middle Stage cultivation, there was no one in the Biyue Prefecture who could stop him.