Chapter 555 Framing and Entrapment_2


Aren't you, Kangning True Monarch, in a hurry to prove your own innocence at this moment?

Then I shall play along with your strategy and turn the speculations in the minds of the other four Golden Elixir Masters into reality.

Although He Song has long left Biyue Prefecture, and by now is very far from it.

But since Kangning True Monarch can continually send messages to He Song and prove his innocence to the other Golden Elixir Masters.

Then He Song can also continuously send messages to Kangning True Monarch, to make those Golden Elixir Masters have other thoughts about him.

With this in mind, He Song's thoughts stirred, and a piece of thin paper immediately appeared in his hand.

"Many thanks, Master, for your concern. Previously, I was on the way and did not expect to neglect you. I hope you won't hold it against me."