Chapter 562 Killing the Chicken to Warn the Monkey_2

Previously, the turbulence in Biyue Prefecture was caused by the fact that, aside from the Treasure Pavilion, there was not a single Golden Elixir Master within the state mansion.

And the Treasure Pavilion is a power known by everyone to not meddle in external affairs.

Under such circumstances, the previous disturbances within Biyue Prefecture were naturally not something incomprehensible.

Of course, the current Treasure Pavilion, even if Biyue Prefecture were to face turbulence once more, was still unaffected by it.

As time went by,

Master Luo Jing gradually relayed to He Song the details and context of this matter.

Previously, why the Golden Elixir Master of the Locking God Sect suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Previously, why the Golden Elixir Master of the Sun Faction had not appeared for such a long time.

Previously, the people who gathered to plunder Biyue Prefecture, who exactly were they?

And so on and so forth.