Chapter 567: Rampant and Unrestrained_1

As for whether this place will become silent as the grave after the frenzied hunting,

given Yu'er's current intelligence, even if she had thought of this, she wouldn't ponder deeply on the matter.

Yu'er, whose cultivation is but at the Foundation Establishment level, though she already possesses sentience and her wisdom isn't low,

to ask her to consider the consequences and gains and losses before acting, like the Human Race, is indeed asking too much of her.

After all, He Song had never taught her these things.

And Yu'er, who has always been eating and sleeping, how could she possibly come up with such thoughts?

These are things that even the Human Race needs to be taught over a long period of time before they can be learned.

Not to mention Yu'er, being a spirit beast.

Having been brought up by He Song's side since she was young, she lacked the verbal and demonstrative teachings of other spirit turtles.