Chapter 569: Treasures of the Secret Realm_2

Wait, wait, wait.

These matters, as long as An Ning was aware of them, she would directly inform He Song.

This way of acting wasn't because An Ning lacked deep feelings for Wind Snow Palace.

It wasn't that An Ning didn't harbor great respect for Wind Snow Palace as a Golden Core Sect.

It was just that, facing such a senior who could generously provide her with a Foundation Establishment Elixir and who was also an old acquaintance of her Master, An Ning owed He Song too much.

Therefore, in An Ning's heart.

He Song's status was certainly much higher than that of Wind Snow Palace.

As long as He Song wanted, she could reveal everything she knew to him.

Even if it brought disaster upon her, even if she were to be hunted by the people of Wind Snow Palace, she would bear the consequences herself.

Under such circumstances, if He Song wanted to know about the Vast Wave Secret Realm, An Ning would certainly not conceal anything.