Chapter 571: 9 is the Extreme Number_1

Such a practice was, in fact, not superfluous.

He Song was now immersed in the array before him.

He extended his divine sense.

By enveloping everything within the scope of his divine sense, He Song could also react in advance before any danger approached.

With the current range of He Song's divine sense coverage, even if a Golden Elixir Master came, it would be very difficult to launch a sneak attack on He Song as he is now.

The area of over two hundred miles in radius was not insignificant.

He Song's behavior could be considered as adding another layer of security for himself, making him even safer while studying the array at hand.

Of course.

This practice also had to do with keeping an eye on the movements of the people from the Wind Snow Palace.

The place where He Song currently was happened to be on the edge of the Vast Wave Secret Realm's center.