Chapter 572 Impending Catastrophe_2

With He Song's cultivation at the Golden Core Middle Stage, even if everything within the array only flashed before him momentarily, it was enough for him to remember it all and react instantaneously.

And under He Song's divine consciousness,

The elder who had already taken out the Spiritual Banner, also shook the banner in his hand at this moment.

Following the rustling sounds, the array in front of the elder opened quietly, just as An Ning and the other Foundation Establishment True Person did when they shook their Spiritual Banners.

And as the array opened, He Song's divine consciousness instinctively probed into the array.

It wasn't that he really wanted to take advantage of this brief moment to completely delve his divine consciousness into it and sweep over everything within the array.

He just wanted to get a little closer so that the range of his Divine Consciousness Sensing could extend further.