Chapter 585 Lavish Invitation_2

However, Master White Crane did not venture into the Demons Realm to hunt demonic beasts.

Instead, he very cautiously chose to hunt for Foundation Establishment demonic beasts throughout Luo Feng Province.

By doing so, while greatly reducing risk, his income was indeed much less compared to those cultivators daring enough to hunt demonic beasts in the Demons Realm.

Yet, Master White Crane had never changed his mind and had never set foot in the Demons Realm.

One could say that he was a cultivator who had risen from the bottom, who was always cautious, reluctant to easily alter his thoughts, and possessed considerable strength.

After thoughts about Master White Crane flickered through his mind,

He Song slightly pondered.

As for the man's invitation to visit the so-called treasure site, he was inclined to believe it somewhat.


Belief aside,

given He Song's cautious nature,