Chapter 586: The Three Great Demon Sects_2


When one Immortal Pavilion after another, one Immortal City after another, and even one Immortal State Mansion after another had been occupied by the cultivators of the Sun Faction.

A flicker of doubt couldn't help but pass through the minds of everyone in the Sun Faction.

Where are the people of the God Locking Sect?

Those Foundation Establishment True Persons, Golden Elixir Masters, and particularly the Ancestor Yuanying of the God Locking Sect, where in the world had they gone?

Throughout the journey, it took just one month for the Sun Faction to completely occupy an Immortal State that was under the God Locking Sect's control.

Moreover, after completely occupying this Immortal State, the Sun Faction continued to advance, rapidly spreading to other Immortal States.

During this exceedingly rapid advancement process.

Almost everywhere the cultivators of the Sun Faction went, they hardly encountered much resistance.