Chapter 603: Gold Core Puppet_2

For a cultivator to step into the Golden Core Realm is extremely difficult, let alone elevate a puppet to a level where it can contend with a Gold Core Cultivator.

Even if the corpse used for refining the puppet had been in the Golden Core Realm during its lifetime and its Golden Core had not been removed from the body.

But even so, to refine it into a Gold Core Puppet is still an immensely difficult task.

With just this array.

I'm afraid it will take a very long time.

He Song had now fully mastered this array.

He was also quite familiar with the effects of this array.

Relying solely on the dense Yin Qi in the array and the nourishment of Spirit Qi for the puppet, the time required would probably be as he had imagined.

At the shortest, a few hundred years, and at the most, several hundred years or even longer.

Without a massive supply of Blood Qi, this time could not possibly be significantly reduced.