Chapter 609 Refining the Corpse Puppet_2

"I won't hide it from you, fellow Daoist,"

"This time, I have received another message from the Sect."

"In the message, the Sect claims that the site of the Golden Elixir Masters' duel, including True Monarch Azure Hawk and two others, has fallen silent."

"After some investigation, it was discovered that the three Golden Elixir Masters had already departed."

"Furthermore, some from the Sect witnessed two Golden Elixir Masters travelling together towards the west."

"Thinking about it, I fear that True Monarch Azure Hawk has probably met with some mishap."

"There wasn't even a body at the scene, likely taken by the victor."

"A Golden Elixir Master has thus fallen."

"It truly leaves me unsettled for a long time."

"Even a Golden Elixir Master could perish in a mere few hours."

"Let alone us at the Foundation Establishment stage?"

"The Cultivation World is truly far too dangerous."

"Even now, within this Luo Feng Province Mansion, I feel an immense danger."
