Chapter 626: Moon Watching Spiritual Tea_2


Or it was after he gifted He Song a box of precious spiritual tea, He Song's generous reciprocity.

These matters, each and every one, were recounted by Master Qing Feng, who emphasized the various benefits he had acquired after befriending He Song.

Such talk.

Left the Foundation Establishment True Persons sitting at the same table with Master Qing Feng stunned.

During the meal, these Foundation Establishment cultivators also expressed their amazement at Master Qing Feng's rapport with He Song.

Some even went so far as to speak in person to Master Qing Feng during the banquet, wishing to meet this Master Fei Yu he mentioned.

In response, Master Qing Feng simply shook his head, urging them not to do so and insisting that they would naturally form such connections when the time was right.

After all, his own acquaintance with He Song was also due to an accident.

If He Song had not also entered the tavern at that time, perhaps the two of them would not have met.