Chapter 630 Nascent Soul Upper Sect_1

A Nascent Soul Sect with an Ancestor Yuanying stationed at its heart would surely face some difficulties in its early stages.

But as time went by, the area of influence of such a sect was certain to grow ever larger.

In He Song's view,

existences like Elder Phantom Snow, who had endured in hiding for so long, revealing themselves only after obtaining the combat power of a Yuanying,

were certainly of an extremely patient nature.

Such patience during their weaker phases allowed Elder Phantom Snow to grow rapidly.

And once their power strengthened,

the ambition of Elder Phantom Snow leading the Wind Snow Palace to expand externally would naturally be undeniable.

The patience shown when weak was nothing but a ploy to bide one's time.

Subsequent expansion following the increase in one's own power was the ultimate goal.

He Song believed that,