Chapter 631 Opportunity Arises_1

And the cultivators who were hunting in the Demons Realm naturally also suffered significant losses.

The sight of the four Golden Elixir Masters fiercely fighting and slaughtering each other in the Demons Realm captivated countless cultivators.

However, there were no shortage of cultivators who sustained losses, or whose friends and family died as a result.

The mere shockwaves of a battle between Golden Elixir Masters could turn a large area nearby into a death zone.

It was very difficult for someone who had not reached the Golden Core Realm to survive in that area.

But, not having reached the Golden Core Realm,

how could those cultivators, and the demonic beasts, possibly know that a Golden Core Great Battle was about to take place there?

As a result, the number of cultivators and demonic beasts who died in this Golden Core Great Battle was actually not small.