Chapter 636: Remove the Weeds, Roots and All_1

This Xiao Qing, however, did not handle the matter with sufficient thoroughness.

If it had been He Song taking action, there would actually have been a much larger room for maneuver.

Just as He Song had said, for truly eliminating the enemy root and branch, there were, in fact, many feasible actions.

Beyond the two methods that He Song had mentioned, there were indeed other ways to make the extermination more thorough.

But after all, Xiao Qing was still green behind the ears.

Being able to think of using the relationships left behind by her Master, and offering treasures to invite several Foundation Establishment True Persons to ambush and kill the enemy,

and moreover, being able to think of eradicating them completely, killing the enemy's family and their mortal descendants,

could already be considered exceptionally thorough thinking.

For someone who was previously like a flower in a greenhouse, a Foundation Establishment female cultivator,