Chapter 649 Breakthrough Golden Elixir_1

If Master Phantom Snow had not successfully broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm and forcibly brought Wind Snow Palace to this place.

I'm afraid Wind Snow Palace would still be nothing more than a Golden Core Sect.


Today, decades later.

The internal changes of Wind Snow Palace can only be described as changing with each passing day.

Over the decades, the cultivators in the Wind Snow Palace have grown from just a few to far stronger than they were before.

Now, there are several Golden Elixir Masters within Wind Snow Palace.

Most of these newly advanced Golden Elixir Masters were originally Foundation Establishment elders of the Wind Snow Palace.

After Master Phantom Snow took full control of Wind Snow Palace,

he somehow found some Golden Congealing Elixir Pills and distributed them to the Foundation Establishment elders who had already reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Realm.