Chapter 663: Slaying the Golden Elixir_2

As a Golden Elixir Master, even the weakest among them, one always has the chance to start over.

Cloud Traversal True Monarch, being a Master who had already mastered the Golden Core Power, naturally was no exception.

This Golden Core must be Cloud Traversal True Monarch's.

According to He Song's guess, Cloud Traversal True Monarch's divine sense should be hidden within this Golden Core, controlling it to flee far away.

If he could escape from this place, Cloud Traversal True Monarch would probably be able to reincarnate and live another life elsewhere.


how could He Song, likewise a Golden Elixir Master, not be aware of this?

If he truly allowed Cloud Traversal True Monarch to control the Golden Core and leave,

he feared that he, He Song, would thereafter be regarded as a lifelong foe.

When that time came,

once he usurped another's body and returned after re-cultivating, He Song would still need to guard against his covert attacks.