Chapter 667: 20 Years Later_2


after careful contemplation for a long time, He Song also had some new insights into this.

The cultivator who came here to annihilate the Wu Family was a true Golden Elixir Master.

And the Cloud Traversal True Monarch of the Wu Family was also in the Golden Elixir Realm.

To the cultivators within Blue Mountain Immortal City, this was akin to a fight between deities.

The struggle between two Golden Elixir Masters.

With one's life and family fortune at stake in this place,

who would dare to involve themselves and their family in this?

The fight between two Golden Elixir Masters was not something these Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment Cultivators could participate in.

A slight misstep could lead to the extermination of one's entire clan.

Under such circumstances, naturally, no one within Blue Mountain Immortal City dared to get involved in this matter.