Chapter 668: Huge Gap_2

Indeed, precisely because of that.

Master Xing Yan, in his several hundred years of life,

had tried incessantly but never managed to break through his bottleneck; in the end, he met with the demise of having exhausted his lifespan and his path fading away.

This situation could not help but give He Song a great sense of caution concerning the matter of bottlenecks.

Although several hundred years for He Song, in truth, was not that long.

As an everlasting being, He Song could even opt to rely on time to gradually wear down the bottleneck.

But, being an everlasting being was precisely the reason why He Song must always prioritize enhancing his own strength as his foremost task.

Enhancing strength.

Growing oneself.

That is indeed what an everlasting being should strive for the most.

As for spending a great deal of time to whittle away at the bottleneck,

for He Song, this was not considered a good idea at all.