Chapter 671: Both Breaking Through_2


If He Song didn't have enough spirit stones, he would likely be unable to exert his full strength as an Array Path Master during combat.

Being unable to fight at his peak would definitely affect He Song.

However, He Song now possessed over six hundred thousand mid-grade spirit stones.

With so many spirit stones at his disposal, He Song would surely be more at ease in any situation than if he had none.

Perhaps it was the existence of these spirit stones that allowed He Song to escape from desperate situations.

Or perhaps, it was because of these spirit stones that He Song managed to gain treasured possessions.

In such circumstances, He Song naturally felt that the more spirit stones he had, the better.

After sorting through the gains of his past twenty years,

He Song was in no rush to end his seclusive cultivation.

Instead, he began to recall the various events that had occurred in the outside world over these twenty years in his mind.