Chapter 674 The Seas Change Into Mulberry Fields_2

By that time,

He Song's power would naturally also experience a tremendous growth.

And when his cultivation reached the Golden Elixir Great Perfection Realm,

He Song would then be ready to step into the Nascent Soul Realm.

It can be said that as long as He Song overcame the current bottleneck, he would be able to touch the threshold of the Nascent Soul Realm.

In such a situation, He Song would naturally spare no effort to completely overcome the present bottleneck.

However, seeking out Meng Guan and Wei Fan to help him find such treasures in the Sun Faction's treasury was something he was unwilling to do unless it was the last resort.

The favor was simply too great.

This was also why He Song had listed this method as the last resort.

If possible, He Song would rather ask Luo Jing and Yun Jing to help him keep an eye out for such treasures.

After all, asking Luo Jing and Yun Jing to help him search for the item,

though still requiring a significant favor in return,