Chapter 677 Nascent Soul Secret Skill_1

"Such secret techniques are mere inanimate things and cannot compare to the friendship between us."

"However, I heard that you were an artifact refining master."

"I had thought you already possessed such methods."

"But unexpectedly, you are completely unaware of them."


"The Immortal Path is long."

"The methods for Crafting Life-Critical Treasures and some other marvelous skills are not commonly circulated."

"If you truly need these things, perhaps you could consider joining a major power."

"Whether it's the Sun Faction, the Purple Cloud Sect, or the Golden Snake Sect, they are actually quite suitable choices."

"I've heard that your two friends hold high positions in the Sun Faction, you might want to give it a try."

"Of course, if you are interested in our Treasure Pavilion, I would also like to extend an invitation for you to join."