Chapter 680: The Position of Guest Elder_1

"Fellow Daoist's status as a Guest Elder only grants you sufficient authority within the Cloud State Mansion,"

"Although when you venture out in the future, you can still enjoy some preferential treatment in other Treasure Pavilions with your status as a Guest Elder of the Treasure Pavilion and the Guest Elder Token given by this young lady,"

"But you may refuse any requests from other Treasure Pavilions, and on this point, I assure you can rest easy, Fellow Daoist,"

"You are affiliated only with the Main Pavilion of the Treasure Pavilion in Cloud State Mansion,"

"As for the other Main Pavilions of the Treasure Pavilion, they have no authority to command you,"

"Actually, this is simply a matter of this young lady, as the Chief Master of the Main Pavilion of the Treasure Pavilion in Cloud State Mansion, inviting you to become a Guest Elder of the Treasure Pavilion,"

"It will not impact your cultivation in the future,"

"I hope you will give it considerable thought,"
