Chapter 28 Sedative Medicine_2

Seeing the disbelief on the other person's face, Lu Yuan looked around and happened to see a small stepping stone at the doorway.

So he walked over, picked up the stone, came in front of Zhou Ze, and shook his hand: "Watch."

Having said that, he mobilized his inner strength and gripped it forcefully.

There were a few creaking sounds from the palm of his hand.

When his hand opened, the stone had been crushed into powder.


Zhou Ze, watching this scene, couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, "You've really made a name for yourself in practice."

As he spoke, he looked up and down at Lu Yuan, his eyes more serious than ever, as if he was seeing this seemingly strange mountain hunter for the first time.

Lu Yuan laughed and said, "Yeah. So now you know why I've always insisted on practicing martial arts, right?"

"No wonder you're never willing to save money when I keep advising you."