Chapter 33 Reading Scriptures_3

The simplest example.

For the body's various meridians and acupoints, many Taoist terms are used for naming in the Mental Technique, and then the direction and operation rules of Inner Qi in the meridians and acupoints are also described using Taoist concepts.

If you aren't clear about these terms and concepts, and just follow a book of drawings to manipulate your Inner Strength, it's no wonder things would go awry.

"If I don't understand the Taoist Classics, with my current knowledge, I can only practice the first layer of the Mental Technique and complete two meridians at most, reaching the peak of a third-class martial artist. To make further progress, I must study the Classic of Daoist Internal Medicine."

Lu Yuan was speechless in his heart, strongly criticizing this method of forcefully setting up knowledge barriers.

But after the criticism, he honestly picked up a copy of the "Tongxuan Sensation True Scripture" and read it carefully.