Chapter 45: Borrowing Money

"Brother Sun."

As Lu Yuan opened the door, he saw his good friend standing outside. He immediately greeted him with a gesture to come in.

"Brother Lu." Sun Siwen returned the greeting and then seemed to pause, rooted in place, not walking in as he usually did in the past.

Looking back,

Noticing that Sun seemed worried and hesitant, as if overwhelmed with something, Lu Yuan's heart stirred, and a smile appeared on his face as he invited, "Brother Sun, your timing is perfect. I just made some salty bone porridge and was about to have breakfast. Now that you're here, let's enjoy it together. Please, come in."

Having said that, he took Sun Siwen's hand and dragged him inside to sit down at the stone table in the courtyard.

Lu Yuan could see that the other had something on his mind, so he did not hurry to ask.

After seating his guest, he immediately served a cup of hot tea. Then he went into the kitchen and soon emerged with a large clay pot and two sets of bowls and chopsticks.