Chapter 65: Healing Injuries and Taking a Master

Indeed, Dr. Li was a divine doctor.

After Lao Gu invited him, this divine doctor identified Zhou Qing's bone fractures as the work of a martial arts expert just by giving a quick examination.

Having experienced the Jianghu, Old Doctor Li deeply understood the principle that knowing too much could bring trouble onto oneself.

So, he only identified the cause of the illness without digging deeper.

After examining the bone injuries, the old divine doctor couldn't help but say: "With twenty-one fractures all over his body, three of which are actually breaks, it would be a wonder if an older individual could survive. Fortunately, this young boy is lucky. His injuries were handled by a master when they occurred. Therefore, combined with his youth, there is hope for a complete recovery."

Lu Yuan, standing beside him, sighed in relief and quickly asked: "Ancient Doctor, how long will it take for Xiaoqing to recover?"