Chapter 131: Observing the Wind Direction_2

With Lu Yuan's current strength, along with the thousand elite soldiers he held, and even considering those tens of thousands of Village Braves.

With such strength, as long as he wanted, no Jianghu sect within Dongting could resist, except for the Poison Sect.

"I once thought about imitating Li Xiong and seizing control of the territory directly. Actually, I have the means to do so now.

But, attacking the Jianghu sects without reason doesn't have a good foundation and can easily invite opposition and hidden dangers.

Maybe I should wait and see which Jianghu sects can't sit still and join the rebellion with the Poison Sect.

At that time, I can use the support of the court, claiming righteousness and suppressing the rebellion. Then, I can claim both merits and seize those rebels at the same time.

Wouldn't that be beautiful?"

Lu Yuan doesn't think that those Jianghu sects are all honest and good-natured people.

In this chaotic world, there's no shortage of ambitious individuals.