Chapter 148: Running a Local Business_2

Lu Yuan's appraisal of this man was that he was one worth trusting right now, a loyal and capable servant of the court.

At a time when unrest was rampant in various places and people's hearts were unsettled, such officials were needed to stabilize the situation.

He was even considering whether to give Tian Jing an important post to help him stabilize Luyang Prefecture.

Tian Jing arrived quickly and after listening to the inquiry of the main general, the former warehouse supervisor thought for a moment and then truthfully replied, "According to the imperial system, the granaries in Fu City must store enough grain for the city's two-year demand.

However, in recent years, with the constant wars and rampant bandits, local agricultural production has been affected, and the amount of grain stored in the warehouses has been greatly reduced.