Chapter 153: Top-notch Peak_2

According to the imperial court's promise, after they rebelled, they reclaimed the county town from the hands of the rebel; hence, this area naturally belonged to them to decide what to do with it.

However, this calculation was too neat, effectively stealing food from Lu Yuan's mouth.

"I, Lu, painstakingly defeated the rebels, and now you rats who originally consorted with the rebels or surrendered to them, are coming out to claim this territory. Do you really think this general is easy to bully?"

Hence, the graves of these blind fools have already started sprouting green shoots.

But after those rats were dealt with, nobody on Lu Yuan's side had the strength and confidence to seize power from him.

Although formally, Lu Yuan belonged to the regular military system under the direct jurisdiction of the imperial court and was not part of those local militias.

But cutting through all that, he was essentially an Army Leader.