Chapter 168: Martial Arts External Body

Ziyun True Person, after revealing these secrets, turned his gaze to the people gathered around.

The other True Persons from various Dao Veins also cast their gazes over.

Those from the six families and seven clans, as well as Lu Yuan, all lowered their heads to avoid the gaze.

Indeed, as Ziyun Daoist said, the top ten Cave Worlds are all occupied. And their owners are these True Persons standing here.

If an outsider wants to cultivate and seek the Dao, they must snatch a Cave World from these True Persons first.

As vested interests, how could these True Persons give up their own path of cultivation to make way for outsiders?

A life-and-death struggle is inevitable.

However, to compete with these Dao Veins for the Cave Worlds, led by True Persons with strength comparable to the Innate Realm, the chances of success...

It can only be said that even if the Da Yue court exhausts all its strength and risks its national fortune, it may not necessarily succeed.