Chapter 182 Seriously Injured and Escaping_3

In just a short moment of breath, hundreds more fell to their deaths.

Lan Cai'er plunged into the army formation without bothering with the ordinary soldiers, aiming in one direction and rushing forward with all her might.

Along the way, any soldier who tried to stop her had their lives snatched away by the colorful smoke.

Five Poison Sect's Ten Thousand Poison True Qi was best suited for group battles.

Previously, Lan Cai'er was suppressed by an attack from far away, giving her opponents the advantage.

At this moment, amongst the crowd, she was like a fish in water, unstoppable in her advancement.

In just a short span of a dozen breaths, she had broken through three army formations, killing hundreds of soldiers and reaching the edge of the battlefield.

However, killing so many people at once took its toll on the Ten Thousand Poison True Qi.

Added to her constant weakening before, Lan Cai'er's colorful smoke around her body had dimmed to its extreme, turning transparent.